To Him Who Is My Shelter In These Times Of Turmoil / Ему, моему убежищу в эти смутные времена

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“Я поклоняюсь Самому фактору времени, Тому, для кого время – Его сокрушительные зубы, Ему, у Кого устрашающий лик.  Я поклоняюсь свирепому, яростно могущественному, неистово ужасающему, Тому, Чьи когти – удары молнии, а тело крепко. Я поклоняюсь ужасающе ужасному… но Кто при этом благ, неся всем благо”.

[ изначально эта мантра прозвучала при разговоре Господа Брахмы и Савитри-деви]


To Him Who Is My Shelter In These Times Of Turmoil

“Obeisances to the time-factor, to Him who has time as His all-crushing teeth and who has a greatly fearful face. Obeisances to the ferocious, to the fiercely powerful, to the fiercely horrifying, to Him who has fierce thunderbolt like nails and who has a robust bodily frame. Obeisances to the dreadful, dreadfully horrible, who at the same time is auspicious and bestows auspiciousness on others.”

[ The origin of this mantra is a conversation between Lord Brahma and Sāvitrī-devī ]

В порядке вещей


«Пока Шри Гаурахари был виден в этом мире, сияя цветом расплавленного золота, вся Вселенная из-за Его божественного влияния была погружена в расы любовной привязанности к Шри Кришне. Возвышенный процесс громкого воспевания святых имен Господа был в порядке вещей. Вернутся ли когда те сладостные дни?»

[ Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати, Чайтанья-чандрамрита, текст 139 ]



The Order Of The Day

“When Sri Gaurahari was visible in this world, resplendent with the luster of molten gold, the entire universe was immersed in the mellows of loving affection for Sri Krsna by His divine inspiration. The order of the day was the sublime process of tumultuous chanting of the holy names of the Lord. Will those sweet days ever return?”

[Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Caitanya-candramrita, Text 139]


“Lord Nrsimha is the sacred absolute truth. He is the Supreme Brahman. He has a lion-human form with a dark-reddish-brown countenance. He is a perfect brahmacari in His behavior. His eyes are terrifying to look at, yet He bestows auspiciousness on all. His throat is bluish and His face is like a burning red iron. Therefore He is known as Nila-Lohitam [ bluish with a glowing reddish effulgence ].

[ Nrsimha-tapani-upanisat, Purva, Upanisat 1. End of fifth paragraph ]






Защита Господа Рамачандры


Lord Ramacandra’s Protection

“It is My vow that if one only once surrenders unto Me, saying ‘My dear Lord from this day I am Yours’ and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person and he will always remain safe from that day on.”

[ Ramayana 6.18.33 ]

…Твоя милость к глупцам

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“O Goddess! In great distress I prostrate myself before You, falling on the ground, praying piteously unto You with faltering voice. O Gandharvike! After You bestowed Your mercy on this fool, count him (her) amongst Your own people!”

[ Sri Rupa Goswami In Stavamala ]

ha devi kaku-bhara-gadgadayadya vaca
yace nipatya bhuvi dandavad udbhatartih |
asya prasadam abudhasya janasya kritva
gandharvike nija-gane gananam vidhehi ||2||

Суть всего…


The essence of all …

“O Radhe, O Govinda-Vallabha, beloved of Govinda! I pray that Govinda understands me to be a maidservant who belongs solely to You.”

govinda-vallabhe rādhe
prārthaye tvām ahaṁ sadā
tvadīyām iti jānātu
govindo māṁ tvayā saha

[ Attributed to Hari-bhakti-vilasa ]


Услышав слог “ра-“…

«Слыша слог «ра», я, волнуясь, дарую воспевающему изначальное бхакти ,
и слыша слог «дха», лично следую за ним, чтобы услышать [ повторение имени “Радха” ]».
[ Кришна говорит в “Брахма-вайварта-пуране”, Кришна-джанма-кханда, 15.70]

“On hearing the syllable ‘rā’, I become anxious and bestow the most pristine bhakti upon the chanter, and on hearing the syllable ‘dhā’, I personally follow the chanter in order to hear [the chanting of the name Rādhā] “

[ Krsna speaking in the Brahma-vaivarta-purāṇa, Kṛṣṇa-janma-khaṇḍa, 15.70 ]

rā-śabdaṁ kurvatas trasto
dadāmi bhaktim uttamām
dhā-śabdaṁ kurvataḥ paścād
yāmi śravaṇa-lobhataḥ

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“Mumbling and prattling the many names of the Lord …
while onlookers say, “They’re crazy!”
entering or not entering cities
standing still or swaying
before a laughing world
they dance, they leap
undone by feeling
And the gods bow down
before them.”

[ A Poetic Translation of a song by Sri Namalwar –

one of the twelve Alvar saints of South India, who are known for their affiliation to the Vaishnava tradition. ]

[ From Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu issue 464 ]



“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

— Nietzsche


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Склоняюсь пред Тобой

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Царевна жертвоприношений, царевна праведных деяний, царевна девов,
Царевна знаний из трех Вед, царевна доказательств и всего познанья,
Царица главной из богинь удачи *, царица Кшамы **, царевна леса счастья Вриндавана,
Царевна Враджа, повелительница Враджа, Шри Радхика, – склоняюсь пред Тобой.
[ «Шри Шри Радха-крипа-катакша-става-раджа», стих 12 ]


* Лакшми

** Бху, всепрощенье (подробности по ссылке – прим. перев.)

“O queen of Vedic sacrifices, O queen of pious activities, O queen of the material world, O queen of the demigods, O queen of Vedic scholarship, O queen of knowledge, O queen of the goddesses of fortune, O queen of patience, O queen of Vrindavan – the forest of happiness, O queen of Vraja, O empress of Vraja, O Sri Radhika, obeisances to You!”
[ Sri Sri Radha-kripa-kataksa-stava-raja, verse 12 ]

Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda


Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda

[ By An Unknown Medieval Gaudiya Vaisnava ]

It is better that I die. I did not worship Nitai. Alas! Alas! I am worthless! My intelligence was spoiled! I had a priceless treasure in my hand, and then I lost it.

In the moon of His face glisten eyes that defeat lotus flowers, eyes that mercifully gaze at every living being. Spreading his arms, and calling out, “Please come! He hugs the fallen souls. To everyone He gives the treasure of ecstatic spiritual love

A garment is gracefully wrapped about His waist. His glistening hair is curly. He wears a turban that charms the heart. He walks like a graceful dancer. Tears stream down His chest. He removes the three-fold sufferings the conditioned souls feel.

He calls out, “Hari! Haribol!” His body sways to the right and left. His arms rest on the shoulders of Ramai and Gauridas. His moonlike face is overflowing with pure sweet honey. Nitai has set a trap of ecstatic love. He is tossed to and fro by the rising waves of ecstatic love.

Nitai is an ocean of mercy. He is the friend of everyone. He has plunged the whole universe into the ocean of his mercy. Only persons blinded by lust, those who are tightly bound by the ropes of material desires, will not worship Nitai.

[ Gaura-pada-tarangini Sri Gauranga Press. Calcutta. 1931. Bengali: Kusakratha Das (editor and translator). The Acaryas Songs and Poems Glorifying Lord Gauranga and Lord Govinda. Unpublished manuscript. Published in Sri Krsna Kathamrita Bindhu, issue 467 ]