1000 коров / 1,000 Cows And Counting

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Кришна как-то сказал Махарадже Нанде: “Мой дорогой отец, ведь мы живем не в городах, не в селеньях и не деревнях. Мы, обитатели лесов, всегда живем в лесах и на холмах”.

Сегодня окунулись в атмосферу священного леса Бихарван, который все еще остается тем же Вриндаваном, каким он был много лет тому назад. Здесь живет около тысячи коров, которые, по словам наших Ачарьев, родственницы коров сурабхи в духовном мире. Вслед за чудным киртаном, исполненным глубокой преданности, последовало невероятно увлекательное занятие. Мы принялись гладить, обнимать и кормить множество великолепных ласковых коров и их телят. Этот день позволил нам чуть-чуть соприкоснуться с тем, что так дорого Господу!

Krishna once said to Nanda Maharaja, “My dear father, our home is not in the cities or towns or villages. Being forest dwellers, we always live in the forest and on the hills.” Today, we experienced the atmosphere of the sacred forest of Biharvan which still retains the ambience of what Vrindavan was like many years ago. It is home to a thousand cows which our acharyas tell us are cousins of the surabhi cows in the spiritual world. A lovely kirtan filled with deep devotion was followed by an incredibly captivating class. We then had the joy of petting, hugging, and feeding many gorgeous and affectionate cows and their calves. It was a day that offered us a glimpse into that which is dear to the Lord!

Из Гарга-самхиты

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Темного цвета тамала с лозой в золотистом цветении,

туча на горизонте в ярких проблесках молний

иль каменистый утес с золотого цвета прожилкой, –

таким были Шри Хари и прекраснейшая Радхарани.

~ Гарга Самхита 15.40


As a tamala tree with a vine of golden flowers,
as a dark cloud with a lightning flash,
and as a dark mountain with a mine of nikasha stones,
so Lord Hari was with beautiful Sri Radha.

~Garga Samhita 15.40





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“Mumbling and prattling the many names of the Lord …
while onlookers say, “They’re crazy!”
entering or not entering cities
standing still or swaying
before a laughing world
they dance, they leap
undone by feeling
And the gods bow down
before them.”

[ A Poetic Translation of a song by Sri Namalwar –

one of the twelve Alvar saints of South India, who are known for their affiliation to the Vaishnava tradition. ]

[ From Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu issue 464 ]



“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

— Nietzsche





Read more

Из Гарга-самхиты

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В Гарга-самхите есть один красивый разговор Нанды Махараджи и Шримати Радхарани.

Однажды в одном из главных лесов Вриндавана, Бхандираване, их пути пересеклись.

Шримати Радхарани сказала:

«О! почтеннейший… Эту мою божественную форму увидеть очень трудно.
Но для того, кто ее видит, нет ничего невозможного. Проси Меня о благословении».

Склонив голову, Нанда Махарадж с полным смирением произнес :

йади прасаннаси тада бхавен мне
бхактир дридха кау ювайох падабже
сатам ча бхактис тава бхакти-бхаджам
сангха саде ме юга юге ча

«Могу ли я просить об извечной непоколебимой преданности Тебе и Кришне?
Чтобы мне всегда жить в обществе Ваших чистых преданных,
и чтобы я был предан им – так же, как Вам обоим?»

“Да будет так!” – ответила Шримати Радхарани, богиня Вриндавана.

[ Гарга-самхита, Песнь первая, том третий, глава 16, текст 11 ]



In the Garga-samhita there is a beautiful exchange between Nanda Maharaja and Srimati Radharani as they cross paths in Bhandiravan, one of the principle forests of Vrindavan:

Srimati Radharani spoke: “O noble one! This divine form of Mine is very difficult to see, but for one who has seen it, nothing is out of reach. Ask Me for a boon!”

Bowing his head, Nanda Maharaja humbly replied:

yadi prasannasi tada bhaven me
bhaktir drdha kau yuvayoh padabje
satam ca bhaktis tava bhakti-bhajam
sangha sada me ‘tha yuge yuge ca

“Millennium after millennium, may I have firm devotion to You and Krishna. May I always live in the company of Your pure devotees and may my devotion to them equal my devotion to both of You.”

“So be it!” said Srimati Radharani, Vrindavan’s queen.

[ Garga Samhita, Canto One, Volume Three, Chapter 16, Text 11 ]



Lord Ramacandra With The Chiefs Of His Army

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Lord Ramacandra stands holding a bow and arrow in the center of the painting surrounded by a rocky landscape. Laksmaṇ stands behind Him and also holds a bow and arrow. Like Lord Ramacandra, He is effulgent. Both Lord Ramacandra and Laksman wear wooden sandals.

Also standing behind Lord Ramacandra are Hanuman, Angada, Arunda, Nila and Samrambha. They all hold maces in their hands and wear golden crowns.

In front of Lord Ramacandra stands King Sugriva holding an umbrella in his left hand and a mace in his right hand. He is followed by Nala, Vanara, Durvinda and Rambha who all hold maces.

[ Watercolor on paper. Early 1800’s ]

Sur das & The Glories of Chandra-Sarovara / Сур Дас и слава Чандра-саровары

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Видео : Чандра-саровара

Дорогие ученики, друзья и доброжелатели, новая лекция “Слава Чандра-саровары” здесь (аудио) :

Мы обсуждали игры Радхи и Кришны, которые проходили на озере под названием Чандра-саровара близ Говардхана, а также славу великого преданного Сур Даса, оставившего нам множество песен и поэм о Божественной Чете. Чистый нектар!



Dear disciples, friends and well-wishers: a new class entitled, “The Glories of Chandra-Sarovara” is available now on:

In the class we discuss the many pastimes of Radha and Krsna that take place at the lake called Chandra-Sarovara near Govardhan Hill, as well as the glories of the great devotee – Sur das – who gave us a number of beautiful poems and songs about the Divine Couple. Pure nectar!



Подношение на Вйаса-пуджу Гирираджи Свами 2018 “Добрая душа” / Vyasa Puja Offering to Giriraja Swami 2018 – “A Good Soul”

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Vyasa Puja Offering to Giriraja Swami 2018 – “A Good Soul”

My dear godbrother and friend, Giriraja Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am not usually without words but glorifying you is challenging because there is so much to say and so little time to say it! I could talk for hours about your extraordinary qualities as a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, as well as reminiscing about our 30-year friendship which is one of the deepest and most satisfying in my life.

Friendship is an essential ingredient in Krsna consciousness. In Hayagriva dasa’s book, Vrindavan Days, he recounts how Srila Prabhupada stressed the importance of friendship in one of his Vrindavan discourses at the Radha Damodar temple in the early 1970s:

“In the second stage, that of madhyam-adhikari, one treats all types of men according to their position and tries to increase his love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he also make friends with the devotees. He doesn’t envy the devotees. If a devotee is superior, we should take lessons from him; if he is equal, we should make friends with him; and if lower, we should try to help him.”

Maharaja, you have been so kind and treated me as an equal all these years, but let the truth be known: you are my superior, for you are many light-years ahead of me in devotional service. This truth becomes evident each time I hear you speak. Your speaking perfectly exemplifies the Lord’s declaration in Bhagavad-Gita:

anudvega-karam vakyam
satyam priya-hitam ca yat
svadhya-yabhya-sanam caiva
van-mayam tapa ucyate

“Austerity of speech consists in speaking truthfully and beneficially and in avoiding speech that offends. One should also recite the Vedas regularly.”

[ Bhagavad Gita 17.15 ]

In his purport to that verse Srila Prabhupada writes that “at the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to the ear.”

Your lectures are a pleasurable to the ear for many reasons, but in particular they are so because you sprinkle your narrative with your memories of Srila Prabhupada. You will often use first-hand accounts of Srila Prabhupada to back up a philosophical point, or you use them simply to give joy to your audience. Many times you have surprised devotees by sharing a pastime or statement from Srila Prabhupada that you have never used before. You are like a treasure chest of Prabhupada nectar. This is because he is very dear to you and you are very dear to him.

In numerous letters throughout the years Srila Prabhupada extolled your virtues as a disciple and devotee of the Lord:

“So I marked it in your person when I was in Boston, and prayed to Krishna that this good soul may be aware of the importance of Krishna Consciousness ”

[ Letter to Giriraja dasa, July 5, 1969 ]

“I am glad that Giriraja is doing very nicely. Krishna has sent a good soul for pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement.”

[ Letter to Satsvarupa dasa, 17 July 1969 ]

“You are also very fortunate to have an assistant like Giriraja. This boy has so quickly taken up the Krishna Consciousness cause and I am very much pleased with his behavior.”

[ Letter to Satsvarupa dasa, 15 October 1969 ]

“In his last letter Giriraja has informed me that he was sick but since then I have not heard from him. How is he? I am anxious to know. His health should be taken good care of. He is an important worker and a good soul.”

[ Letter to Tamal Krishna dasa, 20 August 1971 ]

Four times our own spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, has defined you as “a good soul”. This is but one of the reasons that I always hanker to be near you and try to obtain your association whenever possible.

In Harinam Cintamani, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur writes:

“If one stays near a pure Vaishnava, a devotee of Krishna, for some time one can receive the bhakti, devotional energy, flowing from his body. If one can bind that energy within one’s heart, he will develop strong faith in bhakti. If one lives close to a genuine Vaisnava, devotion will soon appear within one’s heart.”

I make it a point to try and visit you in Carpinteria, California once a year. My excuse is that I am coming to rest, but have you ever seen me rest when I am with you? No! Resting is just a ruse; I come to bask in your wonderful association.

So yes, we are friends, but I think a better terminology is that we are brothers, and you are the older brother. You are older in age, older in time spent in ISKCON, and older in your realizations and wisdom in Krsna consciousness. As such I take great pleasure in honoring you on this auspicious day. In fact, so much do I appreciate what you have done for me, that I honor you in the same mood as your disciples: as a representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Someone may challenge: where does it say that a godbrother can worship another godbrother as representative of the Lord, as good as the Lord Himself? Well, it says so in the king of all sastras, the Srimad Bhagavatm:

däsavat sanna-täryäìghriù / pitåvad déna-vatsalaù
bhrätåvat sadåçe snigdho / guruñv éçvara-bhävanaù

“[Prahlada Maharaja] was completely cultured as a qualified brahmana, having very good character and being determined to understand the Absolute Truth. He had full control of his senses and mind. Like the Supersoul, he was kind to every living entity and was the best friend of everyone. To respectable persons he acted exactly like a menial servant, to the poor he was like a father, to his equals he was attached like a sympathetic brother, and he considered his teachers, spiritual masters and older Godbrothers to be as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He was completely free from unnatural pride that might have arisen from his good education, riches, beauty, aristocracy and so on.”

[Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4. 31-32]

My dear older godbrother, Giriraj Maharaja, I am confident that by studying your devotion and service to Srila Prabhupada I can learn how to satisfy him. Your proximity to Srila Prabhupada in the early days of the movement gives credence to why so many devotees, like myself, have faith in you. You know how Srila Prabhupada did things, you know what pleased him, you know what his mission was and you know how he went about it. You received specific instructions from him. On his deathbed he turned to you and asked how things would go on in this movement once he departed. You replied, “Things will go on if we are obedient to your instructions to chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative principles.” No doubt that was a perfect answer. But just as perfect was Srila Prabhupada’s response: “Things will go on with organization and intelligence.” With your keen intelligence you understood this order of Prabhupada’s, and with your remarkable memory you are able to recount many such things Srila Prabhupada told you over 48 years ago! Because your attachment to His Divine Grace is so strong I feel you will be with him forever.

yatha vaise tatha yena hana anucara

“I will follow my master to any place that he goes”.

[Srila Vrindavan das Thakur, Caitanya-bhagavat, Madhya 13.399]

In this vein, please allow me to follow you anywhere you may go, for that guarantees me eternal service to our dear and beloved spiritual master.

I often reflect on how your initial meetings with His Divine Grace were very much like his own first meetings with his Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati. When they first met, Srila Prabhupada tested the field by making a challenging statement. He told Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati that India must first be rid of British rule before people could seriously take up Krsna consciousness. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati shot back that awakening our Krsna consciousness is a much more urgent matter, as it is the very goal of life. In your memoir entitled “Seeing the Center of Things”, you explain how when you first met Srila Prabhupada you suggested that we may all be God. But Srila Prabhupada convinced you otherwise. You admitted to him, “Actually, I see that I wanted to become God.”

“Yes, that is right!” Srila Prabhupada responded. “But how can you become God? You cannot. God is in your heart and if you water the seed of devotion by chanting Hare Krishna, He will give you all the sunshine to make it grow.”

You carefully watered that devotional seed by always dealing with your spiritual master in an appropriate mood of awe and reverence. You have noted that in the beginning of your devotional career each time Srila Prabhupada lectured you would limit yourself to a single carefully thought out question.

One time you asked: “What is the relationship between service to man and service to God?”

Srila Prabhupada replied, “If a hungry man comes to you and you feed him, in a few hours his hunger will return and he will have the same problem all over again. But if you give him Krishna consciousness, all his problems will be solved permanently. If you give a man a million dollars, all of his ten dollar problems will be solved. Similarly, if you give a man Krishna consciousness, all of his little problems will be solved, including eating. And his problems will be solved permanently. He’ll become completely satisfied .”

Srila Prabhupada’s reference to a million dollars solving a person’s ten-dollar problems is interesting. You seem to have realized this early in your devotional career, for when your father offered you a check for one million dollars to leave Krsna consciousness, you smiled and refused the check. You had already realized that your spiritual father, Srila Prabhupada, was giving you the most priceless commodity: pure devotion to the Supreme Lord.

For your initial enthusiasm and faith in him, Srila Prabhupada rewarded you accordingly. He gave you a number of personal instructions. Although there are general instructions for the mass of devotees and the public at large, a disciple always hankers for some personal instructions or guidance from his guru. And so it was that one night during one of Srila Prabhupada’s early visits to Boston you got to drive him back to the temple after a program. During that drive you asked him something that had been on your mind mind for some time.

“Srila Prabhupada,” you said, “what should I do with the rest of my life?”

He paused for a moment and then replied, “Just study our books very thoroughly and chant Hare Krishna.”

Those were very simple instructions, but nothing is simplistic in Krsna consciousness. For a sincere devotee everything is very deep and meaningful. So you took those personal instructions sincerely and therefore you find yourself at a very advanced stage of Krsna consciousness today. You will of course deny your advancement, but you are outnumbered, for there are thousands of disciples, friends and well-wishers who think otherwise. Just see how many have come to honor you today! There’s a saying that “numbers never lie.” That can be contested in many situations, but not in this one. In your case, the truth is evident in the number of devotees who look up to you, respect you and love you.

I can honestly say I love you Giriraja Swami Maharaja. The love we share is a love of a time-tested friendship that goes deep and is infinitely more satisfying than any mundane friendship. It is a relationship that continues to grow based on the comradery of serving together in the pioneer days of our spiritual master’s mission. It is said that “two things equal to one thing are equal to each other.” Because of our deepening love for our spiritual master and Krsna, our love for each other is solidified forever. My hope is that we’ll meet each other when we’re back home in the spiritual world. Certainly, the possibility is there, for in a letter to Tusta Krsna das Srila Prabhupada wrote:

“Siddhasvarupa will go, you will go, Syamasundara will go, all others will go. We will have another ISKCON there. Of course, Mr. Nair must stay.”

[Srila Prabhupada Letter to Tusta Krsna, Ahmedabad December 14th, 1972 ]

I am very confident I will reach that supreme abode, my dear friend! Of course it’s not proper for a Vaisnava to make such a statement of bravado, full of arrogance and conceit. But I do not say this on any merit or qualification I have, but based on a wonderful vow that you, I and our godbrother Sriniketana das took many years ago in Mauritius. We were honoring an amazing feast offered to Srila Prabhupada on his appearance day. The prasadam was delicious and, being the young men we were, we were devouring it in great delight. By the time we finished the sweets we were totally intoxicated with both the sugar and the transcendental nature of the delicacies.

Suddenly I said to you and Sriniketana, “Prabhus! Let’s put our hands together and take a solemn vow!”

“Wonderful!” you said. “What type of vow shall we take?”

I smiled and said, “Let’s take a vow that none of us of will go back home, back to Godhead without the others.”

I was overjoyed when you immediately agreed, not fully understanding that I alone was the real beneficiary of such a vow. How was that so? Because I knew that you would be going home well before I would. That meant I would achieve that goal way before my time. With a smile from ear to ear I put out my hand. You placed yours on top of mine and Sriniketana put his on yours. Then we very loudly proclaimed the sacred vow together:

“On this auspicious day, celebrating the appearance of our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, here on ISKCON’S Vedic Farm in Mauritius, in the presence of the Lord and so many exalted devotees we hereby take the solemn vow that none of us will go back home, back to Godhead without the others. We shall all attain that supreme, divine abode of love and bliss together. We shall enter Goloka the three of us abreast to serve the Divine Couple forever and forever more!”

With our eyes closed, we held our hands tightly together for some time and when we opened them we found a great number of devotees staring at us in astonishment.

Looking back on that special day I too am astonished. I am astonished at my great fortune to have had you as a friend and mentor in this lifetime. What a wonderful life I have lived in the association of godbrothers and godsisters such as yourself. I will leave this world grateful and fully satisfied. What’s more, I am looking forward to serving Srila Prabhupada together with you again here in the material world and most eagerly in the spiritual world. There is no doubt we will recognize each other there and our friendship will continue forever.

Upendra das once asked, “Srila Prabhupada … it was raised that our relationships formed here in ISKCON with one another are eternal in themselves in addition to the service, that ISKCON and we members as we are known now shall be known there [in the spiritual world]. All this I was unable to support scripturally and lest I make an offense and direct error, I place this before you.”

Srila Prabhupada replied, “As to your question concerning whether relationships between devotees are eternal, the answer is ‘yes.’ This is confirmed by Sri Narottama dasa Thakura: cakhu-dan dilo yei, janme janme prabhu sei—‘He is my lord birth after birth.’ In this way you have to understand, by studying carefully the philosophy.”

[ Letter to Upendra, January 7, 1976 ]

The conclusion, my dear Giriraj Swami Maharaja, is that I will forever and forevermore be your friend and servant!

Yours eternally,
Indradyumna Swami


Love Means To Give More Than You Take / Любовь означает отдавать больше, чем получать

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Дорогие Джигнеш и Кайшори Синдху даси,

Пожалуйста, примите мои благословения. Вся слава Шриле Прабхупаде.

Меня, как одного из старших гостей на вашей долгожданной свадебной церемонии – благословенной виваха-ягье – попросили выступить с речью. На днях на устроенной для вас программе с киртаном я посоветовал, чтобы главным выступающим был мой досточтимый духовный брат Баха Харидас Прабху, ведь они с супругой, Кошарупой даси, наслаждаются своим успешным браком уже 36 лет. Потом на программе ты, Кайшори, повернувшись ко мне, спросила: «Но Гурудева, вы ведь тоже будете говорить?» Видя вашу потребность в наставлениях в такой благословенный день, я не мог отказать и ответил: «Конечно же, я буду говорить, Кайшори».

Правда, в моей речи не будет красноречия и шарма, как у моего дорогого духовного брата Бада Харидаса – я зачитываю письмо. Почему? Что же… самое заветное, что только у меня есть – это написанное мне от руки письмо моего духовного учителя Шрилы Прабхупады. Датировано оно августом 1971, и в нем он поддерживает меня в только что обретенной вере в сознание Кришны. В этом же письме он дает многочисленные бесценные наставления, которые стали краеугольным камнем моей духовной практики на протяжении последних 46 лет. Я был бы безмерно благодарен и просто выслушать эти слова мудрости, будь они мне сказаны – а уж получить их облеченными в письмо стало для меня самим лучшим даром, который я только мог представить. Ведь это означало, что я мог просматривать эти наставления вновь и вновь. Мой подарок вам в этот радостный  день – это письмо, и надеюсь, вы будете беречь его, как я берегу свое.

Сегодня вы вступаете в грихастха-ашрам. Буквально «ашрама» означает «место проживания духовного учителя». Итак, начиная с сегодняшнего дня впредь вы будете служить своему духовному учителю в святилище вашего дома. Взращивайте девять методов преданного служения – и ваш дом непременно станет храмом, как это описывает Шрила Бхактивинода Тхакур:

йе дина грихе, бхаджана декхи
грихете голока бхайа

«Так, практикуясь в преданности, в один из дней я увидал,

что дом мой превратился в Голока Вриндавану»
[Шаранагати 31.6]

В такой трансцендентной обстановке вам будет просто развивать сознание Кришны и пробуждать свою любовь к божественной чете, Шри Шри Радхе-Кришне. Цель супружества, главным образом, в этом. Но эта высокая цель не так легко достижима. Сам Господь признает это Своей знаменитой фразой в Бхагавад-гите:

дайви хй эша гуна-майи
мама майа дуратйайа
мам эва йе прападйанте
майам этам таранти те

«Трудно преодолеть эту Мою божественную энергию, состоящую из трех гун материальной природы. Но тот, кто вручил себя Мне, может легко выйти из-под ее влияния». [БГ 7.14]

Преодолеть материальную энергию и пробудить наше дремлющее сознание Кришны – великая задача, так что нам требуется вся помощь, которую только можно получить. Потому и существует супружество, в котором мужчина и женщина идут вместе, помогая друг другу достичь возвышенной цели. Как говорится, «вместе и работа спорится».

Да, в супружестве в сознании Кришны есть романтика. Шрила Прабхупада как-то сказал: «В этом мире каждый мужчина желает женщину, а каждая женщина – мужчину». В браке преданных и муж, и жена самыми разными способами должны выражать свою любовь и признательность друг другу. В то же время во главу угла они должны ставить свое желание достичь высшей цели – любви к Богу. Тогда их любовь друг к другу также будет божественной, поскольку если каждая из вещей идентична третьей, они идентичны и друг другу. При возрождении любви к Кришне обоюдная любовь мужа и жены перерастает в духовные взаимоотношения, которые, все более углубляясь, становятся нерушимыми.

В Ведической культуре никогда не существовало разводов. Не то, что это был некий высеченный в камне закон – дело в том, что глубокую духовную привязанность, возникающую между мужем и женой за годы совместного служения Господу, разбить было невозможно.

И не то, что не бывает ни разногласий, ни ссор между мужем и женой в браке в сознании Кришны. Они есть! Пока мы не стали чистыми преданными, лишенными каких бы то ни было материальных желаний, пока не вышли на уровень анартха-нивритти, в наших отношениях будут конфликты. Но в супружестве эти разногласия преодолеваются благодаря любви и доверию, возникающими в паре из-за их духовной практики – благодаря тому, что они становятся лучшими друзьями, проходя и через печали, и радости и сохраняя Кришну в центре своих жизней.

«В мире мне, кроме вас, товарища не надо».
[Уильям Шекспир, Буря* 3.1 60-1, Миранда Фердинанду]

Духовная практика – это тот клей, который сохраняет брак в сознании Кришны. Потому важнейшим правилом в супружестве преданных должно быть следующее: никогда муж или жена не должны становиться настолько поглощенными своими личными делами, чтобы не находить время, чтобы вместе воспевать круги, читать или спокойно принимать вместе прасадам.

Если пары могут следовать этому, то благодаря очищающей силе стабильной духовной жизни они смогут терпеть разногласия и, со временем, превзойти их. Хотя в океан впадает множество полноводных рек, океан это ничуть не волнует, поскольку он безбрежен и глубок. Так и ваше супружество будет спокойным, если вы оба – глубокие и верные преданные Господа.

Однажды Махатма Ганди разругался с женой. До такой степени, с таким криками, что в какой-то момент он сказал ей навсегда убираться из дома и выставил за дверь. Но она просто села на пороге. Когда он наконец вышел, то удивился, увидев ее там и, все еще раздраженный, произнес: «Я тебе сказал уйти!» Она подняла на него взгляд: «Но Прабху, мне больше некуда идти. Это мой дом, и вы все, что у меня есть!» Это тронуло его сердце, он улыбнулся и пустил ее обратно.

риши шраддхе аджа юдхе
прабхате мегха гарджане
дампатйа калахе чайва
бахварамбхе лагху крийа

«Погребальная церемония умершего в лесу риши, драка двух козлов, гром поутру и ссора между мужем и женой грандиозно выглядят, но последствия их незначительны».[ Чанакйа Пандит, Нити-шастра ]

Жизнь преданного отличается непоколебимой верой в Господа, духовного учителя и преданных. От того, что в браке муж видит свою жену преданной Кришны и жена видит своего мужа собственностью Кришны, их вера друг в друга сильна и никакие неблагоприятные материальные обстоятельства не могут разрушить их отношения.

Любовные отношения в сознании Кришны действуют на принципах, отличных от принципов мирской любви. В материальных отношениях акцент делается на том, что я могу получить от отношений. В духовных – на том, как я могу служить и радовать того, кого люблю. Наилучший пример духовной любви – жители Вриндавана, в особенности гопи, которые всегда ставят нужды и желания Кришны прежде своих собственных. Эта бхакти, преданность, проникает во все отношения в сознании Кришны: между друзьями, отцом и сыном, учителем и учеником, возлюбленным и возлюбленной. Служение без личных мотивов, только из одного желания доставить удовольствие Господу и Его преданным – вот формула успеха глубоких и длительных взаимоотношений в сознании Кришны.

Если вы, Джигнеш и Кайшори Синдху, служите друг другу и любите на основе этой формулы бескорыстия – успех вашего брака гарантирован, успех ваших отношений с духовным учителем гарантирован и гарантирован успех ваших отношений со Всевышним.

бхатйа мам абхиджанати
йаван йаш часми таттватах
тато мам таттвато джнатва
вишате тад анантарам

«Постичь Меня, Верховную Личность Бога, таким, какой Я есть, можно только через преданное служение. И когда благодаря преданному служению все сознание человека сосредоточивается на Мне, он вступает в царство Бога». [БГ 18.55]

Мы учимся этому у своего духовного учителя. Но для меня это также прояснилось весьма необычным образом несколько лет тому назад в полете из Нью-Йорка в Лос-Анжелес, куда я направлялся на свадьбу других преданных. Поднявшись на борт, я размышлял, о чем бы рассказать, выступая на свадьбе с речью.  В тот день я опоздал на рейс, и мне, к сожалению, досталось среднее кресло, между лучшим местом у окна и местом у прохода. Только я разместился, появилась пожилая супружеская пара и втиснулась по обе стороны от меня: мужчина сел у окна, а его жена у прохода.

Лишь только самолет взлетел, старик чрезвычайно громко проговорил:

– Марта, люблю тебя! Жду-не дождусь прилета в ЛА, чтобы отметить нашу семьдесят пятую годовщину свадьбы!

Она прокричала ему в ответ:

– Джорджи, и я тебя люблю! Наверное, будет весело, как всегда!

Мне стало ясно, что они оба очень плохо слышат.

«Ого, – подумал я, – женаты уже 75 лет! Надо бы спросить их о секретах успешного брака, чтобы упомянуть в своей речи на свадьбе».

– Простите, – говорю, поворачиваясь к ним обоим по очереди, чтобы привлечь их внимание.

– Что такое, молодой человек? – кричит старушка. – Говорите!

«Молодой человек? – думаю, – да мне 65!» и говорю вслух:

– Сколько вам лет, мэм?

– Нам обоим по 96, – отвечает она.

– Мы с детства влюблены, – кричит старик.

– Понятно, – говорю. – А я лечу на западное побережье на свадьбу и хотел бы у вас спросить кое о чем, чтобы поделиться с молодой парой. Что бы вы сказали о главной составляющей успешного брака?

Они переглянулись, замолчали, улыбнулись и ответили одновременно и на одной громкости:

– Любовь означает отдавать больше, чем получать.

Я передаю вам, Джигнеш и Кайшори Синдху, эти слова мудрости, которые найдешь и в наших древних писаниях, и которые также сошли с уст одной старой американской пары.  Не сомневаюсь, что много лет спустя вы сами поделитесь этими словами мудрости со своими детьми и внуками, чтобы эта волшебная формула успешного брака переходила следующим поколениям.

Я желаю вам процветающего брака, полного радости и смеха. Молюсь, чтобы наш добрый Господь послал вам святых сыновей и дочерей, которые наследуют это великое движение. И желаю, чтобы, служа успешно вместе – преданным, своему духовному учителю и Господу – вы непременно достигли бы совершенства в сознании Кришны и отправились домой, обратно к Господу уже в этой жизни!

Вручаю вам это письмо как мой подарок вам в этот особенный день. Молюсь, что подарок этот был вам полезен и ценен долгие годы, так же как мне дорого и продолжает быть полезным то письмо, которое я получил из рук моего божественного духовного учителя, Шрилы Прабхупады.

Ваш вечный доброжелатель,
Индрадьюмна Свами




* перевод Т.Л. Щепкиной-Куперник, 1949




Dear Jeegnesh and Kaishori Sindhu dasi,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As one of the chief guests at your auspicious vivaha yajna—your cherished marriage ceremony today—I have been asked to speak. The other day at the kirtan party held in your honor, I suggested that my esteemed godbrother, Bada Haridas Prabhu, be the main speaker because he and his wife Kosarupa dasi have enjoyed a successful marriage for 36 years. Later in the program, you, Kaishori, turned to me and said, “But Gurudeva, you’ll speak too won’t you?” Seeing your eagerness for guidance on this blessed day I couldn’t refuse, and I said “Yes, of course I will speak, Kaishori.”

And yet rather than speaking with the eloquence and charm of my dear godbrother Bada Haridas, here I am reading a letter. Why is this? Well, one my most cherished possessions is a hand-written letter from my beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. It is dated August 1971, and in it he encourages me in my newfound faith in Krsna consciousness. In the same letter he gives numerous valuable instructions which have been the bedrock of my spiritual practice for the past 46 years. I would have been most grateful had he spoken such words of wisdom to me, but that I had them enshrined in a letter was the best gift I could have ever imagined. It means I have been able to revisit those instructions again and again. On this joyful day, my gift to you is this letter, which I hope you will cherish as I do mine.

Today you are entering the grhastra asrama. “Asrama” literally means “the place of the spiritual master.” So from this day forth you will serve your spiritual master in the sanctity of your home. By cultivating the nine processes of devotional service your home will essentially become a temple, as Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur describes:

ye dina grihe, bhajana dekhi
grhete goloka bhaya

“One day while performing devotional practices, I saw my house transformed into Goloka Vrindavana.” [ Saranagati 31.6 ]

In such a transcendental atmosphere, you will easily cultivate Krsna consciousness and awaken your love for the divine couple, Sri Sri Radha Krsna. That is essentially the purpose of marriage. But such a lofty goal is not easily achieved. The Lord Himself admits this in Bhagavad Gita wherein He famously says:

daivi hy esa guna mayi
mama maya duratyaya
mam eva ye pradadyante
mayam etam taranti te

“This divine energy of mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto me can easily cross beyond it.” [BG 7.14]

Because the challenge of overcoming the material energy and awakening our dormant Krsna consciousness is so great, we need all the help we can get. Therefore we have marriage where a man and woman come together for the purpose of helping each other achieve that exalted goal. There is a saying: “Many hands make light work.”

Yes, romance is there in Krsna conscious marriages. Srila Prabhupada once said, “In this world every man desires a woman and every woman desires a man.” Thus in devotee marriages both the husband and wife must express their love and appreciation for each other in a variety of ways. At the same time they must always keep at the forefront their desire to achieve the highest love: love of God. By doing so their love for each other becomes divine as well, for two things equal to one thing are equal to each other. By awakening their love for Krsna, a husband and wife’s love for each other matures into a spiritual relationship that goes very deep and can never be broken.

In Vedic culture there was never divorce. This was not because it was forbidden by a law set in stone, but because the deep spiritual attachment that formed between husband and wife over many years of serving the Lord together could not be shaken.

Not that there aren’t sometimes differences or even quarrels
between husband and wife in Krsna conscious marriages. There are! Until we become pure devotees, devoid of any and all material desires, until we come to the stage of anartha-nrvritti we will have conflicts in our relationships. But these differences are overcome in marriage because of the love and trust that is established between a couple as a result of their spiritual practices, and the fact that they become best friends through having passed through thick and thin while keeping Krsna at the center of their lives.

“I would not wish any companion in the world but you.”
[William Shakespeare, The Tempest 3.1 60-1 Miranda to Fertinand]

Spiritual practices are the glue that keep Krsna conscious marriages together. Therefore a cardinal rule in devotee marriage is that husband and wife should never become so busy in their individual pursuits that they don’t have time to sit together and chant their rounds, read and peacefully take prasadam together.

If couples can do this, they can tolerate and eventually overcome differences through the purifying effect of sustained spiritual life. Although many powerful rivers flow into an ocean, the ocean is never disturbed because it is so vast and deep. Similarly, your marriage will never be disturbed if you are both deep and devout devotees of the Lord.

One time Mahatma Gandhi had a fight with his wife. There was lots of yelling and screaming and at one point he actually told her to leave home forever and escorted her out the door. But she just sat on the front doorstep. After a while he came out and was surprised to see her sitting there. Still annoyed he said, “I told you to go away!” She looked up and replied, “But Prabhu, I have nowhere else to go. This is my home and you are my everything!” That touched his heart, and he smiled and took her back inside.

rsi sraddhe aja yuddhe
prabhate megha garjane
dampatya kalahe caiva
bahvarambhe laghu kriya

“The funeral ceremony of a sage who has died in the forest, a fight between two goats, a thunder clap in the morning, a quarrel between husband and wife, all begin in grand style but the outcome is insignificant.” [ Canakya Pandit, Niti Sastra ]

A devotee’s life is characterized by unshakable faith in the Lord, the spiritual master and the devotees. Because in marriage a husband sees his wife as Krsna’s devotee and a wife sees her husband as Krsna’s property, their faith in each other is strong and no adverse material circumstances can break their relationship.

Loving relationships in Krsna consciousness work on a different principle than mundane love. In material affairs the emphasis is on what “I” can get out of a relationship. In spiritual affairs the emphasis is on how to serve and please my beloved. The best example of spiritual love is the residents of Vrindavan—the gopis in particular—who always put Krsna’s needs and desires before their own. Such bhakti, or devotion, filters down in all Krsna conscious relationships: relationships between friend and friend, father and son, master and servant, lover and lover. If we serve without personal motivation, serve only with the desire to please the Lord and His devotees, that is the formula for success in deep long-lasting Krsna conscious relationships.

If you, Jeegnesh and Kaishori Sindhu, serve and love each other based on this selfless formula the success of your marriage is guaranteed, the success of your relationship with your spiritual master is guaranteed and the success of your relationship with the Supreme Lord in guaranteed.

bhaktya mam abhijanati
yavan yas casmi tattvatah
tato mam tattvato jnatva
visate tad anantaram

“One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service. And when one is in full consciousness of the Supreme Lord by such devotion, he can enter into the kingdom of God.” [BG 18.55]

This we have learned from our spiritual master. But I was also enlightened to this fact in a most unusual way a few years ago on a flight from New York to Los Angeles where I was to attend another devotee marriage. As I boarded the flight, I was contemplating what I might say when asked to speak at the event. Being late for the flight that day I was unfortunately assigned a middle seat between a more desirable window and aisle seat. As I settled in an elderly couple appeared and squeezed in on either side of me: the man took the window seat and his wife took the aisle seat.

As soon as the flight took off the elderly man said very loudly, “Martha, I love you! I can’t wait to get to LA to celebrate our seventy-fifth wedding anniversary!”

She screamed back at him, “Georgie, I love you too! It will be fun, as always!” It was obvious to me that they were both very hard-of-hearing.

“Wow!” I thought to myself. “They’ve been married for 75 years! I can get some tips from them about successful marriage and use it in my talk at the wedding.”

“Excuse me,” I said, turning from side-to-side to get both of their attention.

“What’s that young man?” screamed the old lady. “Speak up!”

“Young man?” I thought. “I’m 65!” But I said aloud, “How old are you, Ma’am?”

“We’re both 96,” she replied.

“We were childhood sweethearts,” chimed in the old man.

“I see,” I said. “Well, I’m going to a wedding on the West Coast and I’d like to ask you for some advice that I can share with the young couple. What would you say is the essential ingredient for a successful marriage?”

They looked at each other for a moment, paused, then smiled and said simultaneously in their equally loud voices:

“Love means to give more than you take.”

I leave you, Jeegnesh and Kaishori Sindhu, with those words of wisdom found both in our ancient scriptures and from the mouths of an old couple in the USA. I have no doubt that many years from now you will share those words of wisdom with your own children and grandchildren, thus ensuring this magical formula for successful marriage is passed down through generations to come.

I wish you a prosperous marriage, full of joy and laughter. I pray the good Lord will send you saintly sons and daughters who will carry on the legacy of this great movement. And I wish that by serving the devotees, your spiritual master and the Lord successfully throughout your married life together, you will indeed reach perfection in Krsna consciousness and go back home, back to Godhead in this very lifetime!

And now I hand you this letter, my gift to you on this special day. I pray it is a gift that you will cherish and benefit from throughout the years, just as I cherish and continue to benefit from the letter I received from the hands of my own divine master, Srila Prabhupada.

Your ever well-wisher,
Indradyumna Swami

From “Nitya-sastra” / Из “Нитья-шастры”


“Оставь общество дурных людей,

общайся с теми, кто мыслит духовно,

денно и нощно свершай благие деяния

и всегда помни о временной природе этого мира”.

[ Чанакья Пандит, Нити-шастра ]


Ценность святой дхамы

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“Определенные места на земле более святы, чем другие: одни благодаря расположению, иные из-за своих искрящихся вод, а третьи – из-за общающихся или живущих там святых.

[ Махабхарата, Anusanana Парва 108: 16-18]

(фото: священная Ганга у Харидвара)

 “Certain areas on earth are more sacred than others, some on account
of their situation, others because of their sparkling waters, and others
because of the association or habitation of saintly people.”
   [ Mahabharata Anusanana Parva 108: 16-18 ]

foto: Haridwar, with the sacred Ganges.