Обновленное подношение 2010 года



Мой дорогой духовный брат Шридхар Махараджа,

Пожалуйста, прими мои самые смиренные поклоны. Слава Шриле Прабхупаде!

Сегодня мы празднуем благоприятный день твоего явления. Бесчисленное количество твоих духовных братьев, учеников, друзей и доброжелателей по всему миру собрались и наслаждаются светлыми воспоминаниями о твоих прославленных деяниях, связанных с распространением миссии санкиртаны Господа Чайтаньи. Делясь этими воспоминаниями, они могут говорить часами, поскольку, по милости Шрилы Прабхупады, ты добился потрясающего успеха в этом служении. Я знаю это, поскольку мне посчастливилось быть с тобой на протяжении какого-то времени и наблюдать, как ты проповедуешь в Индии, Америке и Канаде.

Я счастлив, что сегодня в твою честь звучат прославления, которых ты заслуживаешь. Но также мне грустно, поскольку мне кажется, что твой уход был преждевременным. “Преждевременно” – слово, которое использовал Шрила Прабхупада, услышав о кончине одного из своих учеников в первые дни Движения.

Порой я удивляюсь, зачем Господь забирает подобных тебе преданных так рано, перекладывая ответственность за распространение сознания Кришны на твоих младших духовных братьев. Это можно объяснить только Его любовью к таким как ты слугам, проявляющим все лучшие качества и сильное желание распространить святое имя по всему миру. Один из наших духовных братьев, Бимал Прасад дас, хорошо сказал по этому поводу:

“Мы все любим тех великих душ, кто достиг совершенства в наслаждении вкусом
святого имени, и доверяем им. К несчастью, такой успех часто означает, что
Верховный Господь Сам жаждет их общения, а мы чувствуем потерю, когда Он
забирает их к Себе Домой”.

Я очень скучаю по тебе. Я скучаю по тем временам, когда мы путешествовали вместе в ранние дни движения. В твоем обществе всегда было весело и интересно. И какой бы сложной ни была ситуация, ты всегда отпускал
какую-нибудь шутку, вызывая наш смех. А в следующий момент ты мог так беспощадно сказать об иллюзорности материальной жизни, что я поеживался.

Махараджа, никто не сможет заменить тебя. Как и многие другие ученики Шрилы Прабхупады, ты был уникален в своем сознании Кришны. Я помню, в самые последние дни, когда ты лежал на смертном одре в Маяпуре, один преданный повернулся ко мне и спросил: “Что же происходит? Что же будет с нашим движением без Шридхары Свами?” Я не знал, что ответить. Со временем я получил ответ, увидев, что мир становится немного темнее каждый раз, когда уходит такой же светлый преданный, как ты.

Когда ты ушел, я почувствовал, что потерял одного из лучших друзей на поле битвы. Шрила Прабхупада часто сравнивал проповедь с битвой, в которой преданным приходится сражаться и с иллюзорной энергией, и с теми, кто противостоит движению санкиртаны, например, с мирскими учеными, атеистами и деспотичными правительствами. У ИСККОН длинная и славная история в этой битве за распространение послания Махапрабху в западном мире. Шрила Прабхупада как-то сказал: “Однажды историки опишут, как движение сознания Кришны спасло мир в его самые темные часы”. Без сомнения, когда они это сделают, твое имя будет там, в списке тех, кто был на передовой в этой битве, вооруженный святыми именами и верой в духовного учителя.

Твоя вера сделала тебя бесстрашным. Я ни разу не видел, чтобы ты отступил перед кем-то из своих оппонентов. Никто не мог одержать над тобой верх в споре, поскольку ты искусно сочетал знание шастр и глубокую  убежденность. Бесчисленное количество раз я видел, как одна твоя убежденность действовала на других. Преданные твоего уровня навсегда останутся в памяти. И в будущем, когда люди смогут оценить истинную ценность того, что смогло предложить это движение, возможно, вас будут ценить даже больше.

Ты был одним из первых, кто бросился на передовую, но также стал и одним из первых, кто ушел. Здесь, на поле битвы, становится одиноко, Махараджа. Я не хочу сказать, что больше никого не осталось. Есть много новых санньяси, принявших ответственность. Но это не совсем то. Многое можно сказать о преданных, которые тридцать-сорок лет вкладывали жизнь и душу в практику и проповедь сознания Кришны. Ты был как раз такой личностью. Но сейчас ты ушел, и другие тоже уходят. Вскоре мир лишится общества тех мужчин и женщин,
на чью долю выпала удача покрыть свои головы пылью с лотосных стоп нашего Гуру Махараджа.

Безусловно, подрастает новое поколение преданных, по-своему уникальных и способных эффективно проповедовать в наступающие времена. Благодаря их славным усилиям движение будет продолжать существовать на протяжении сотен и тысяч лет. Но, несмотря на это, что-то уйдет и никогда не будет прежним:
поколение, которому выпала удача помогать Шриле Прабхупаде в самые первые дни движения. Однажды Шрила Прабхупада сказал: “В самом начале Кришна послал мне нескольких хороших людей”. Несомненно, ты был одним из них.

А пока мы продолжаем наше служение в разлуке, стараясь изо всех сил. Это – то же движение, тот же метод, то же учение, но ряды преданных учеников Прабхупады редеют. Утешение придет, когда мы присоединимся к тебе и другим в следующей великой главе проповеди сознания Кришны где-то в материальном мире, куда Шрила Прабхупада отправился, чтобы продолжить свою миссию. Или, возможно, Его Божественная Милость призовет нас всех назад в духовный мир, чтобы служить там Радхе и Кришне вместе с ним в чарующей обители вечного

“Счастливой охоты, пока мы не встретимся снова”, – были твои последние слова, адресованные мне. Я храню эти слова в своем сердце и жажду снова быть с тобой.

“Прекрасный Господь никогда не являлся перед моими глазами, и я никогда не пробовал нектара служения Его лотосным стопам… Так что я просто молюсь, чтобы обрести радость общения с теми великими душами, украшающими сейчас этот мир, чьи сердца сосредоточены на лотосных стопах Шри Чайтаньи”.

[ Шрила Прабходананда Сарасвати, Шри Чайтанья-чандрамрита, текст 50 ]

Твой слуга в разлуке,
Индрадьюмна Свами

(обновленное письмо 2010 года)

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

My dear godbrother Sridhar Maharaja,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Today is the auspicious celebration of your departure from this world twenty years ago. Numerous godbrothers, disciples, friends and well-wishers have gathered around the world and are enjoying sweet memories of your glorious activities in spreading the samkirtan mission of Lord Caitanya. In recounting these memories they will speak for hours, for by the grace of Srila Prabhupada your service record was outstanding. I know this because I was fortunate to spend some time with you and witness your preaching activities in India, America and Canada.

I am happy that today you will receive the glorification you deserve. But I’m sad as well, for I feel your departure was premature. “Untimely” was the word Srila Prabhupada used when hearing of the demise of one of his disciples in the early days of the movement.

I sometimes wonder why the Lord takes away devotees like you so early, leaving the responsibility for spreading Krsna Consciousness to younger godbrothers. It can only be because of His love for servants such as yourself who exhibit all good qualities and an intense desire to spread the holy names around the world. One of our godbrothers, Bimal Prasad das, explained this nicely:

“We all love and trust those great souls who achieve perfection in relishing the holy names. Unfortunately, such success often means that the Supreme Lord Himself becomes eager for their association and thus we feel the loss when He takes them Home to be with Him.”

I miss you a lot. I miss the times we spent traveling together in the early days of the movement. It was fun and enlivening to be in your association. No matter how difficult the situation, you always said something humorous to make us laugh. And the next moment you could speak so candidly about the illusory nature of material life that it would make us cringe.

Maharaja, no one can replace you. Like so many of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples you were unique in your own Krsna conscious way. I remember towards the end when you were lying on your deathbed in Mayapura, one devotee turned to me and said, “How is this happening? What will the movement be like without Sridhar Swami?” I had no answer. I have learned the answer in time as I watch the world become a little dimmer each time an enlightened devotee such as you departs.

After you left I felt I had lost one of my closest friends on the battlefield. Srila Prabhupada often compared preaching to a battle in which devotees have to fight both the illusory nature and those who oppose the samkirtan movement such as mundane scientists, atheists and oppressive governments. ISKCON has a long and glorious history in this battle to spread the message of Mahaprabhu in the Western world. Srila Prabhupada once said, “One day historians will note how this Krsna conscious movement saved the world in its darkest hours.” No doubt when they do your name will be there, counted amongst those who were the first to go forward in the battle armed with the holy names and faith in their spiritual master.

Your faith made you fearless. I never once saw you back down from any opponent. No one could defeat you in argument, for you combined sastric knowledge with intense conviction. I saw numerous times how your conviction alone convinced others. Devotees of your caliber will be remembered, perhaps even more so in the future when people begin to appreciate the value of what this movement has to offer.

You were one of the first to go forward, but you were also one of the first to leave. It’s getting a little lonely out here on the battlefield, Maharaja. It’s not that there aren’t others present. There are plenty; even new sannyasis who are rising to the challenge. But it’s not exactly the same. There is something to be said for those devotees who have spent forty or fifty years practicing and preaching Krsna consciousness as their life and soul. You were just such a personality. But now you have left and others are leaving as well. Soon the world will be bereft of the association of those men and women who were fortunate enough to have taken the dust from our Guru Maharaja’s lotus feet upon their heads.

Certainly, another generation of devotees will arise, unique in their own way and able to effectively preach in times to come. Due to their glorious efforts the movement will go on as it has for centuries, for millennia. But despite this, something will be lost that will never be seen again: that generation who came by chance or good fortune to help Srila Prabhupada in the very early days of the movement. Srila Prabhupada once said: “In the beginning Krsna sent me a few good men.” No doubt, you were one of them.

And so, for now we serve in separation carrying on as best we can. It’s the same movement, the same process, the same teachings, but the ranks of Srila Prabhupada’s dedicated disciples are wearing thin. The solace will come when we join you and others like you in the next great chapter of preaching Krsna consciousness somewhere else in this material world where Srila Prabhupada has gone to continue his mission. Or perhaps His Divine Grace will invite us all back to the spiritual world to serve Radha and Krsna alongside him in Vrindavan, that enchanting land of eternal bliss.

“Happy trails until we meet again” were your last words to me. I keep those words close to my heart and long to be with you again.

“Because the wonderful Lord never came before my eyes, and because I never tasted the nectar of service to His lotus feet, I simply pray to attain the jubilant festival of the association of those great souls now decorating this world whose hearts are fixed at Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet.”

[Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati, Sri Caitanya-candramrita, text 50]

Your servant in separation,
Indradyumna Swami.

[ Revised offering 2010 ]

Vyasa Puja Offering 2023 for Giriraj Swami _ “Our Hearts Beat In Unison”

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Diary of a Traveling Monk

Volume 15, Chapter 24

September 19, 2023


My dear Godbrother, Giriraj Swami,

Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In regard to yourself, Maharaja, I do not hesitate to use exalted terms like “the dust of your lotus feet” because, to me, you represent the epitome of what I aspire to become one day: a fully surrendered disciple of our illustrious spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.

In every way, you embody his perfect representative, and thus, in my eyes, you are also a flawless representative of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This may seem like a profound statement for a Godbrother, but it is nonetheless true, as confirmed in Srimad Bhagavatam 7.4.31:

“He, [ Prahlada Maharaja ] was completely cultured as a qualified brahmana, possessed exemplary character, and was resolute in his quest to understand the Absolute Truth… He served venerable personalities as a humble servant, acted as a father to the needy, displayed brotherly affection towards his peers, and regarded his teachers, spiritual mentors, and senior Godbrothers as no less than the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

Therefore, you are worthy of my worship. In fact, not to honor you as an exalted godbrother would be foolish! The Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, cited in the purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.17.37, explicitly states:

“Those who worship Lord Govinda but do not worship His devotees should not be known as devotees. They should be known only as pretenders.”
In my view, you are the most accomplished speaker on Srimad Bhagavatam among the living. Your lectures are marked by authority, with every word rooted in the teachings of guru, sastra, and sadhu. Listening to your discourses feels like hearing the Bhagavatam’s verses come to life. Sarasvati, the goddess of learning herself, has graced you with the unique ability to embellish your lectures with captivating anecdotes and experiences from your time with Srila Prabhupada. These memories endure the test of time due to your profound love for His Divine Grace.
My heart holds a deep affection for Srila Prabhupada and his mission in this world. Therefore, I seek shelter at your lotus feet, as per Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur’s final instructions:

“All of you, please preach fervently about Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha. Our ultimate desire is to become particles of dust at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Goswami’s followers.”

You, Maharaja, are one such follower, and I follow in your footsteps. By adhering to this principle, I am assured of success. I am confident in this, for in a letter to me from 1971, Srila Prabhupada wrote:

“Please continue to follow all the rules and regulations, chant 16 rounds of the maha-mantra daily, and always follow in the footsteps of advanced devotees. Then, in time, I will accept you as my duly initiated disciple.”

I diligently followed Srila Prabhupada’s instructions and was subsequently initiated. I continue to uphold these instructions to attain the purpose of my initiation: pure, unwavering love for Radha and Krishna. As you play a pivotal role in my journey toward this goal, I proudly declare myself a follower of my dear friend and well-wisher, Giriraj Swami. I believe your disciples will rejoice to hear this, and thus, I seek their blessings as well.

sakala vaisnava pade mora namaskara
ithe kichu aparadha nahuka amara
hoiyachen hoiben prabhur jato bhakta vrnda
vandana kori sabara charanaravinda

“I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of all Vaisnavas, praying I will not commit offences in my attempts to please them. To all Vaisnavas who have ever been, and to all Vaisnavas who will ever be, I offer my obeisances to their lotus feet.”

[ The poet Devakinandana dasa ]

Maharaja, although our meetings are infrequent these days, you remain close to my heart, for our hearts beat in unison in our commitment to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s mission in this world. And what is that mission? Srila Prabhupada’s guru maharaja made it unequivocal in his commentary on Sri Caitanya Siksamrita.

Therein, he wrote:

“In the teachings of Sriman Mahaprabhu, there are only two principal instructions: develop a taste for chanting the holy names and show compassion to fallen souls.”

I am truly amazed that, despite your advanced age, your preaching continues to expand in diverse ways. Each day, when I open my computer, the first thing I do is eagerly seek out your delightful announcements, which invariably begin with:

“I have scheduled the following programs, to which you are all welcome to join, on Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook. Most programs will run for an hour to an hour and a half. The starting times are Pacific time.”

And your literary contributions! When do you find the time? You are so busy diligently chanting your 16 rounds every morning (and I love how you smile as you glance at the camera to greet those who join you in these sessions). You are engrossed in your scheduled programs, frequently hosting guests at your ashram. And surely, many devotees write seeking guidance from you. My realization is that the many books you have authored are a testament to your unwavering adherence to our beloved spiritual master’s instructions. In a letter to your dear friend, Satsvarupa Maharaja, on February 28, 1972, Srila Prabhupada wrote:

“You ask a question about the nature of books I want you to write as my disciples. In Krsna Consciousness, there are no limitations. Great personalities like the Gosvamis wrote numerous books, Visvanatha Cakravarti and all the acaryas authored books, and I too am writing books. Similarly, my disciples will also write.”
Please do remember me from time to time, Maharaja. You received Srila Prabhupada’s mercy at an early stage of your spiritual journey. It is a blessed fact that when reflecting on your presence as a guest at a program in Boston during the early days of our movement, Srila Prabhupada actually prayed to Krsna, “May this young man become your devotee.” 

The blessings of a pure devotee never go in vain when the recipient is sincere. You are living proof of this, and we all thank you for your unwavering dedication to Srila Prabhupada and his mission in this world. May Srila Prabhupada continue to shower his blessings upon you until you attain perfection. That moment is surely not far away…

param gopyam api snigdhe
sisye vacyam iti srutih
tac chruyatam maha bhaga
goloka mahi-madhuna

“The Vedas say that to a loyal disciple one may speak the confidential secret. Therefore, O most fortunate one, now please hear the glories of Goloka.”

[ Brhad Bhagavatamrta, Part 2, Chapter 1, text 6 ]

Your friend, servant, and admirer, Indradyumna Swami

Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2022 – Part 1


This weekend we are celebrating our Sadhu Sanga Retreat after a two year break because of the pandemic. The festival is taking place in Spanish Fork, Utah on the gorgeous property of the Sri Sri Radha Krsna temple built by Charu Dās and Vaibhavi Dasi. Over 1,500 devotees are in attendance. These are photos from the first day. Part 2 coming soon!


Vyasa Puja offering 2021 / Подношение на день явления Гирираджи Свами – 2021

My dearest friend, advisor and close associate, Giriraj Swami,
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Like many thousands of others around the world, you are in my thoughts and prayers on this special day of your Vyasa Puja. We all miss you, we all love you and we all hanker for your association. But with all due respect, I think I miss you most, love you most and hanker for your association most of all.
Maybe that is simply because we’ve been friends for such a long time and our friendship has matured with age. I met a friend from high school the other day who, like me, has been on lockdown for a year and a half here in India. He remarked that with age one has more confidence, is slower to judge, values things more and learns to let go of things one cannot change. Then he smiled and said, “And one wears his wrinkles with pride.”
I nodded my head at those little snippets of logic and reasoning, but with your Vyasa Puja just around the corner, my friendship with you came to mind and I thought, “But in our lives as devotees in Krsna consciousness, the very best thing about growing old is sharing with our godbrothers and godsisters the realizations we’ve gained from 50 years of service together.”
Such realizations are hard-earned and do not come easily. To conquer over the material energy and rise to the stage of always remembering Krsna and never forgetting Him takes great effort and determination. But when we are successful, even in the smallest of ways, it becomes a great victory and we want to shout out to our godbrothers and godsisters, saying: “I did it and so can you!”
My dear Maharaja, your whole life in Krsna consciousness has been such a statement to me, beginning with your extraordinary love for Srila Prabhupada and from there, extending out to include your deep, enlightening Krsna conscious stream of lectures; your enthusiasm for chanting the holy names; your steadiness in all situations—favorable or not—your appreciation for your godbrothers, godsisters and each of your disciples; and now in your later years, the numerous books you have written and published—especially if I might remark, your magnum opus: “I’ll Build You A Temple – The Juhu Story.” A magnum opus is the greatest achievement of an artist or writer—their masterpiece! You, my dear Maharaja, have managed to accomplish all of the aforementioned and more, and I am inspired, thinking that one day I can too!
What a wonderful life we have lived as Srila Prabhupada’s disciples, carrying on his mission as best we can in our different ways—all culminating in one great offering to his lotus feet.
The sun is gradually setting on the horizon of our lives and we naturally think of what lies beyond. But I, for one, have full faith that it will be a natural progression from what we have been doing in our present lives all along: chanting, dancing, feasting, sharing our good fortune with others and visiting the holy dhamas. That being said, it would mean nothing without the deep loving relationships we have with those we have come to hold most dear.
So on this day, so full of grace, I pray that I may always serve alongside you, for your heart’s desire will take you to be with Srila Prabhupada and his family of devotees. There is no other place in this world, or the next, where I would wish to be!
Always by your side, your friend for now and forevermore,

My good friend, Mahasringa prabhu



My good friend, Mahasringa prabhu: I received news the other day that COVID-19 had taken you away too, as it has a number of my godrothers, godsisters, disciples and friends. I’m sorry it’s taken this long to say goodbye. But this time it was especially hard. We were friends; more so buddies. When we’d meet we’d always wrestle to see who was “the strongest”. Then we’d take prasadam together and talk about Srila Prabhupada, book distribution and preaching. I’ll miss those moments more than I can say. Genuine friendship is hard to find. Go well, my friend. I know we’ll meet again because our hearts are in the same place – service to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

With tears in my eyes ….
Indradyumna Swami




Про путешествия


«Путешествия лишают вас дара речи, но позже превращают в рассказчика».

[ Ибн Баттута, мусульманский марокканский ученый ( 1304-1368) ]

Мой дорогой Бада Харидас, мой попутчик! Как я скучаю по нашим проповедническим приключениям! Жду  не дождусь тех дней. Это мы близ Лехи, исторической столицы гималайского королевства Ладакх (Индия).


Возможно, это изображение (3 человека, в том числе Indradyumna Swami, люди стоят и на открытом воздухе)

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
[ Ibn Battuta, 1304-1368, Muslim Moroccan scholar ]
My dear Bada Haridas, my traveling companion! How I miss our preaching adventures! Waiting for those days again. Here we are outside of Leh, the historical capital of the Himalayan Kingdom of Ladakh, India.



Шриман Шрутакирти Дас о Шриле Прабхупаде

Srutakirti das:
“I felt very fortunate because I got to see Prabhupada when he wasn’t with his disciples, when he wasn’t busy training them in management in so many different ways or chastising them for the mistakes they had made and being involved in seeing that the books were being produced and all of these different services he was doing for his spiritual master. Then at various times in the day when the doors closed, Prabhupada was just there by himself; and they were the times that I liked the most because he was a devotee of Krishna, and Prabhupada loved Krishna. You would find him in his room reading; and sometimes from the servant quarters, all of a sudden you would hear the harmonium.

It wasn’t Krishna Kanti coming in and recording bhajans, Prabhupada was just doing bhajan. Whenever I heard that, I would run into the room and I would offer obeisances; and as soon as I would sit up, Prabhupada would give me the nod, “Get the kartals,” and I would play kartals and Prabhupada would play the harmonium and he would just chant. It’s one reason I stayed with Prabhupada as long as I did, because I found being with Prabhupada was very peaceful for most of the time. And it was amazing because, as we know, Prabhupada was doing everything, he was running everything, the entire society, the BBT, taking care of so much mail every day, doing the classes, the morning walk, instructing devotees.

But somehow or other it seemed like there were hours where Prabhupada was just alone, and he was a devotee of Krishna and he was very sweet. He was doing everything he was asking us to do, just develop our love of Krishna by chanting and hearing and so many times reading his books. He would walk around and chant in his room; and he would just chant on his beads, walk around, and sometimes he would jiggle his bead bag, you could hear the beads in his bead bag. But there was just this peacefulness that was amazing because of everything that he was doing. But as soon as the door closed, that was all gone. It was just Krishna there with him, and Prabhupada was always happy. Even someone like me could pick up on some of that and just feel so peaceful to be with Prabhupada. It’s like you didn’t want to be anywhere else at those times.”

Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda


Śrī Nityanāndacandrasya – Of the Moonlike Nityananda

[ By An Unknown Medieval Gaudiya Vaisnava ]

It is better that I die. I did not worship Nitai. Alas! Alas! I am worthless! My intelligence was spoiled! I had a priceless treasure in my hand, and then I lost it.

In the moon of His face glisten eyes that defeat lotus flowers, eyes that mercifully gaze at every living being. Spreading his arms, and calling out, “Please come! He hugs the fallen souls. To everyone He gives the treasure of ecstatic spiritual love

A garment is gracefully wrapped about His waist. His glistening hair is curly. He wears a turban that charms the heart. He walks like a graceful dancer. Tears stream down His chest. He removes the three-fold sufferings the conditioned souls feel.

He calls out, “Hari! Haribol!” His body sways to the right and left. His arms rest on the shoulders of Ramai and Gauridas. His moonlike face is overflowing with pure sweet honey. Nitai has set a trap of ecstatic love. He is tossed to and fro by the rising waves of ecstatic love.

Nitai is an ocean of mercy. He is the friend of everyone. He has plunged the whole universe into the ocean of his mercy. Only persons blinded by lust, those who are tightly bound by the ropes of material desires, will not worship Nitai.

[ Gaura-pada-tarangini Sri Gauranga Press. Calcutta. 1931. Bengali: Kusakratha Das (editor and translator). The Acaryas Songs and Poems Glorifying Lord Gauranga and Lord Govinda. Unpublished manuscript. Published in Sri Krsna Kathamrita Bindhu, issue 467 ]


Dear Mahatma prabhu

Dear Mahatma prabhu! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you won’t mind a godbrother glorifying you in honour of your appearance day celebration, which is still some days away. I’m sure the demigods sing your praises, so why not me? You are an illustrious disciple of our glorious spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, so we as his followers have a solemn duty to recognise your unique qualities and service to His Divine Grace.

Your many seminars on diverse subjects of devotional service are attended and heard by thousands of devotees. In so many ways you are a spiritual master, a life coach, a transcendental psychologist, a best friend and well-wisher of so many of us. Through various preaching programs people join this great movement. But the secret is to carefully guide them step by step through the process of devotional service. That includes educating them, helping them overcome obstacles on the path of Krsna consciousness and teaching them how to remain enthusiastic at all times. You are an expert in helping devotees in all these facets of Krsna consciousness. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And I have no doubt that Srila Prabhupada is also grateful for all the service you have rendered to him through the years. He is smiling graciously upon you today!

You are a wonderful example of all that you teach. That is why devotees have so much faith in you. That is why I look up to you and try to follow you. You have an uncanny ability to see and understand what each devotee needs and you take whatever time is required to help them. You are very personal with everyone. That is very rare in this day and age.

Then there are your kirtans! You were a famous and much sought after kirtan man long before many of ISKCON’s famous ‘kirtaneers’ appeared on the scene. You were an inspiration for them as they made their own valuable contributions to spreading the holy names. Please keep watering our seeds of devotion with your melodious voice and expert musical skills.

My prayer is that your many followers and well-wishers will join together to support your services to ISKCON and the general public. You are getting older now, 70 years of age today, and shouldn’t have to be personally raising funds. That service should fall as a privilege to those who love you and can appreciate the positive changes you are making in their lives and can make in the lives of so many people in this world.

On this auspicious day I fall at your feet, my dear godbrother, and wish you well in all your endeavours. May the Good Lord grant you many more years of preaching and counselling. I also offer my obseisances to all your fortunate disciples and loved ones.

Please always keep me in your prayers, as you are in mine!

With affectionate regards,
Indradyumna Swami


“Radha and Krsna. Radha’s name is first. Why? Nobody can be a better devotee than Radharani. As soon as Radha’s name is there, Krsna is more pleased. That is the way. If we glorify the devotees, the character of the devotees, before the Lord, He is more pleased than to glorify Himself, directly.”

[ Srila Prabhupada, room conversation, Hawaii, April 24, 1969 ]


Don’t Starve Your Beads / Не уморите голодом ваши четки

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В новых четках ощущается легкость, воздушность. Свежая древесина чаще всего светлая и шероховатая. После воспевания день за днем кажется, что происходят чудесные преображения. Их вес начинает меняться. Это необъяснимо, но кажется, что они становятся тяжелее, будто каким-то образом наполняются, насыщаются силой мантры.Сам их цвет меняется, как будто Туласи Деви хочет перенять темноватый облик своего Шйама. Жесткость нити ослабевает, и ощущение скольжения через пальцы само по себе становится гипнотическим. Это чувство заставляет изо дня в день возвращаться, в стремлении раскрыть запредельные тайны Святого Имени. Перебирание бусин сглаживает их текстуру, пока наконец они не приобретают блеск и сияние, становясь похожими на ряд мини-божеств. Нама-мурти.

Напитайте их нектаром Святого Имени, и они начнут изменяться и трансформироваться. Так же как и мы. Мы снова и снова возвращаемся к своим четкам и Святому Имени, надеясь обрести покой, надеясь обрести облегчение, надеясь обрести радость и утешение. Все это, как и многое другое, нам доступно.

Я мечтаю о дне, когда наполню свои четки таким желанием и устремлением, что Говинда услышит мои молитвы и откроет двери в Свое царство Любви.

Гурудев наставлял нас, чтобы мы “не уморили свои четки голодом” – и этот образ остался со мной. Образ заброшенного мешочка с бусинами джапы, оставленными нетронутыми, без ежедневного приношения любви и шепота грез, проникающих в каждую бусину – всякий день, когда мы готовимся воспевать, и неважно, насколько долго… Этот образ буквально преследовал меня.

В те дни, когда мой разум бунтует, в дни, когда губы не хотят мне подчиняться, сердце закрывается, а все мое существо стремится спрятаться за чувством ложного контроля, образ голодных бус побуждает меня вставать. Идти к ним. Дотрагиваться до них и вспоминать. Вспоминать ощущение от перебирания их, их гладкую поверхность, что соединяет меня с мантрой, высвобождающейся с каждым вздохом.

Эти бусины джапы – мои врата к Любви. Я надеюсь и горячо молю, чтобы они всегда указывали мне путь. Молю, чтобы они никогда не оставили меня, чтобы были моими неизменными спутниками. Удивительно, что, казалось бы, обычные деревянные бусины стали моими самыми дорогими друзьями.В них, этих четках – какая-то магия. Я напитываю их – а они напитывают меня. Они наполняют меня заботой, они наполняют меня благодатью и они наполняют меня чудесами Любви, которые всегда есть в самой царственной из мантр. Я молюсь напитывать их так, чтобы однажды придти туда, где я не смогла бы остановиться. Место, где Имя будет всем. Это Святое Имя – моя жизнь.

[ отрывок из «Према-малы», книги Шримати Ачьюты Гопи даси, известной ученицы Его Святейшества Радханатхи Свами ]



“Don’t Starve Your Beads.” There is a light and airy feeling to new beads. Their wood is fresh, often light-colored,…

Posted by Indradyumna Swami on Tuesday, June 18, 2019