Varsana Parikrama


Yesterday we walked the parikrama path around sacred Varsana, the home of Srimati Radharani. I’ve done it countless times, but like everything else in Krsna consciousness, it is always ever-fresh. I met many of my old friends whom I haven’t seen in almost 2 years. I was happy to find them alive and well. Jaya Sri Radhe!

Wish Fulfilling Trees!



In this album we see up close some of the famous ‘desire trees’ of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. These wish-fulfilling trees grant the desires of the residents of Vrindavan in their services to the Divine Couple. We spent a beautiful morning in such a forest of trees just at the foot of Varsana, the eternal residence of Srimati Radharani. While chanting and dancing there we were able to perceive the spiritual nature of that divine abode and the effect it had on purifying our hearts. The katha we had kept everyone spellbound for hours. We hanker to return there again and again!

The Desire Trees of Vrindavan / Деревья желаний Вриндавана

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Дорогие ученики, больше часа катхи о Калпа-врикшах, деревьях желаний Вриндавана!

Dear disciples: This is a very interesting lecture on the glories of the Kalpa Vriksa trees in Vrindavan. Over an hour of katha about Desire Trees!

Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani where she lived with her parents during the early years of Her life. Along with her gopi maidservants Radharani would often traverse the wooded forests of Varsana as she and her friends went to the market to sell their milk products. Sometimes they would meet their beloved Krsna along the way. One of Radharani’s favorite forests still exists to this very day with ancient “desire trees” dotting the landscape. Our parikrama party had the good fortune to visit Varsana and that mystic forest, where we hugged the trees as per tradition and begged one day to become eternal servants of the Divine Couple.