1000 коров / 1,000 Cows And Counting

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Кришна как-то сказал Махарадже Нанде: “Мой дорогой отец, ведь мы живем не в городах, не в селеньях и не деревнях. Мы, обитатели лесов, всегда живем в лесах и на холмах”.

Сегодня окунулись в атмосферу священного леса Бихарван, который все еще остается тем же Вриндаваном, каким он был много лет тому назад. Здесь живет около тысячи коров, которые, по словам наших Ачарьев, родственницы коров сурабхи в духовном мире. Вслед за чудным киртаном, исполненным глубокой преданности, последовало невероятно увлекательное занятие. Мы принялись гладить, обнимать и кормить множество великолепных ласковых коров и их телят. Этот день позволил нам чуть-чуть соприкоснуться с тем, что так дорого Господу!

Krishna once said to Nanda Maharaja, “My dear father, our home is not in the cities or towns or villages. Being forest dwellers, we always live in the forest and on the hills.” Today, we experienced the atmosphere of the sacred forest of Biharvan which still retains the ambience of what Vrindavan was like many years ago. It is home to a thousand cows which our acharyas tell us are cousins of the surabhi cows in the spiritual world. A lovely kirtan filled with deep devotion was followed by an incredibly captivating class. We then had the joy of petting, hugging, and feeding many gorgeous and affectionate cows and their calves. It was a day that offered us a glimpse into that which is dear to the Lord!

Navadvipa Satakam

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Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати раскрывает тайну Навадвипа-дхамы в своей «Навадвипа шатаке» (стих 78):

«Если поклоняешься девяти лесам (девяти островам Навадвипы), лес Враджа твой.
Если не поклоняшься тем девяти лесам, лес Враджа остается в стороне…

«Если поклоняешься сыну брахмана (то есть Гауранге), то знаток любви Враджа (Кришна) твой.
Если не поклоняешься тому сыну брахмана, Кришна никогда твоим не будет».

арадхитам нава-ванам враджа-кананам те
нарадхитам нава-ванам враджа эва дуре
арадхито двиджа-суто враджа-нагарас те
нарадхито двиджа-суто на тавеха кришнах


Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati reveals the secret of Navadvipa-dhama in his Navadvipa Satakam (verse 78):

“If the nine forests ( the 9 islands of Navadwip ) are worshiped by you, then the forest of Vraja is yours. If the nine forests (the 9 islands of Navadwip) are not worshipped by you, then the same Vraja forest stays away ….

“If the son of the brahmana (i.e. Gauranga) is worshipped by you then the expert lover of Vraja (Krishna) is yours. If the son of the brahmana (i.e. Gauranga) is not worshipped by you then Krishna is never yours.”

aradhitam nava-vanam vraja-kananam te
naradhitam nava-vanam vraja eva dure
aradhito dvija-suto vraja-nagaras te
naradhito dvija-suto na taveha krsnah





The Secrets of Gokula /Секреты Гокулы

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На днях провели парикраму по Гокуле, во Вриндаване. Среди многих новых интересных мест, которые посетили, были священные самадхи Рас Хана и Тадж Биви. Рас Хан был уважаемым мусульманином, и стал известным и весьма уважаемым Вайшнавом. Его стихи о Вриндаване, Радхе и Кришне растапливают сердце. Тадж Биви была царицей у Великих Моголов – в точности как жена императора Акбара – и также обратилась в Гаудия-Вайшнавизм. Она прожила большую часть жизни во Вриндаване, в отречении.

The other day we did parikrama in Gokula, Vrindavan. Among the many new and interesting places we visited were the sacred samadhi’s of Ras Khan and Taj Biwi. Ras Khan was a Muslim gentleman who became a great and highly respected Vaisnava. His poetry about Vrindavan and Rádha and Krsna melts one’s heart. Tāj Biwi was a Mughal Queen – the wife of Emperor Akbar to be exact – who also converted to Gaudiya Vaisnavism and lived most of her life as a renunciate in Vrindavan.





Varsana Parikrama


Yesterday we walked the parikrama path around sacred Varsana, the home of Srimati Radharani. I’ve done it countless times, but like everything else in Krsna consciousness, it is always ever-fresh. I met many of my old friends whom I haven’t seen in almost 2 years. I was happy to find them alive and well. Jaya Sri Radhe!




A Quote Most dear To My Heart / Самая дорогая моему сердцу цитата

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“Когда я принял отреченный образ жизни, моим домом стал лес Вриндавана. Моя кровать – мягкая пыль Вриндавана. Небо Вриндавана – мой кров, а цветущие лианы Вриндавана – мои единственные вещи. Луна над Вриндаваном – светильник моих надежд, а мои четки для воспевания отсчитывают дни до встречи с Божественной Четой, Шри Радхой и Шри Кришной”.

[Лалита Кишори, средневековый поэт-вайшнав]

“Having accepted the renounced order of life, my home is this Vrindavan forest. My bed is the soft dust of Vrindavan. The sky of Vrindavan is my blanket and the flowering creepers of Vrindavan are my only belongings. The moon over Vrindavan is the lamp of my hopes and my chanting beads are counting the days until I meet the Divine Couple, Sri Sri Radha and Krsna.”

[ Lalita Kishori, a medieval Vaisnava Poet ]



Monsoon In Vrindavan

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Yesterday we went to Syama-dhak, near Govardhan Hill, where Radha and Krsna had many sweet pastimes. The forested area was a beautiful lush green from the monsoon rains that are showering down on Vrindavan now. Even the lakes and streams were bright green from a particular algae that grows in them this time of year! And most relishable was the association of a 98-year-old sadhu who shared with us his realizations on the importance of chanting the holy names of Krsna. I couldn’t stop taking photos of his different moods in Krsna consciousness! Vrindavan is such a wonderful place!



The Vrindavan Research Institute

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Today we had the extreme good fortune to visit the prestigious Vrindavan Research Institute where there are more than 32,000 Gaudiya Vaisnava scriptures, including many original writings of Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Jiva Goswami, Srila Sanatana Goswami and Srila Narottam das Thakur. In fact, many of their writings are unknown and yet unpublished. A number of these scriptures had been kept for centuries in the Radha Damodar Temple in Vrindavan and were donated to the institute over 60 years ago. I could not believe my eyes when I was shown Srila Rupa Goswami’s original handwritten Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu and Srila Narottam das Thakur’s handwritten Prarthana. Touched by the graciousness of the persons in charge, I offered to help in the restoration and maintenance of these sacred scriptures so dear to our hearts.







Once Upon A Time / Вишвакарма возводит Вриндаван

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Dear devotees! This coming Tuesday’s lecture [ May 18, 2021 ] is entitled, “Once Upon A Time.” We’ll be discussing a very interesting and unique pastime – the creation of the original town of Vrindavan 5,000 years ago by the architect of the demigods, Visvakarama. Of course, everything in Vrindavan is eternal, but that includes ‘creation pastimes’! And wait until you hear what special reward Lord Krsna bestowed upon the devatas! 3:30 pm India time on my YouTube channel.


на русском   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q1vjJmdWQo

на английском   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T6hSfYKmuA






О Кришна, Ты сама весна

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«О Кришна, Ты сама весна, что заставляет лозу мадхвики (Радху) цвести от счастья.

Пусть же те, в чьих сердцах уже зародилась преданность Тебе, кто, отворив свой слух,

боготворят капли чистейшего великолепного океана нектара Твоих любовных игр во Врадже,

достигнут царства трансцендентной сладости и плавают в его волнах чистой любви».

[ Шрила Рупа Госвами, Видагдха-мадхава 7.62 ]



“O Krsna who are the springtime that makes the madhvika vine of Radha blossom with happiness. May those persons, in whose heart devotion for You has already sprouted and who open their ears to and worship drops of the pure and splendid nectar ocean of Your loving pastimes in Vraja, attain that kingdom of transcendental sweetness and swim in its waves of pure love.”

[ Srila Rupa Goswami, Vidagdha-madhava 7.62 ]






Wish Fulfilling Trees!



In this album we see up close some of the famous ‘desire trees’ of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. These wish-fulfilling trees grant the desires of the residents of Vrindavan in their services to the Divine Couple. We spent a beautiful morning in such a forest of trees just at the foot of Varsana, the eternal residence of Srimati Radharani. While chanting and dancing there we were able to perceive the spiritual nature of that divine abode and the effect it had on purifying our hearts. The katha we had kept everyone spellbound for hours. We hanker to return there again and again!