Vyasa Puja offering – 2021 (Ananta Vrindavan das)


Дорогие преданные, по вайшнавскому этикету, к себе внимание не привлекают. И все же я хотел поделиться этим подношением на Вьяса-пуджу, которое отправил мне на день рождения мой дорогой друг и попутчик Ананта Вриндаван дас. По правде говоря, я делюсь им ради моих учеников, поскольку мой долг – возвышать и вдохновлять их в этой чудесной жизни, которую дал нам наш дорогой Шрила Прабхупада.

Dear devotees: It’s contrary to Vaisnava etiquette to draw attention to one’s self. Nevertheless, I wanted to share this Vyasa Puja offering that my dear friend and traveling companion, Ananta Vrindavan das, sent to me on my birthday. In truth, I’m sharing it for my disciples for whom it’s my duty to uplift and inspire in this wonderful life our beloved Srila Prabhupada has given us.

To serve you, Srila Prabhupada / Мое единственное желание



Мое единственное желание – служить вам, Шрила Прабхупада!

“Мой дорогой мальчик… чего бы ты ни желал, воспевая свою мантру, силой ее могущества ты полностью получишь это. В действительности, ты обретешь больше того, что желаешь”.

( Шри Брихад-бхагаватамрита 2.1.189)



My only desire is to serve you, Srila Prabhupada!

“My dear boy, whatever you desire while chanting your mantra, by its power you will fully achieve. Indeed, you will attain more than your desire.”

( Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta 2.1.189 )



I worship and serve Jvala-Nrsimha


“I worship and serve Jvala-Nrsimha, who has a bodily hue similar to the terrible fire that occurs at the time of destruction; who is situated on all ends of the hexagonal yantra; who is all-powerful and who is the god wearing a blazing garland.”

[ Visva-rupa-nrsimha-mantra, in the Sesa-samhita, page 201 ]



Your Fearless Hand



Возможно, это иллюстрация (1 человек)



Your Fearless Hand

“O Lord who lies on the bed of Ananta Sesa! O Lord of the universe! O Nrsimha! O husband of Laksmi! O destroyer of the devotees fear! I am suffering from great distress due to drowning in the ocean of sinful activities and disease. So, kindly lend me Your fearless hand and give me protection!”

[ Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Vilasa 14, Texts 486-487 ]

kara avalamvanam dehi / sesasayin jagatpate
sri nrsimha ramakanta / bhaktanam bhayanasana





I Am Your Devotee


“O Supreme Lord! O Visnu! I bow down to You. O Lord Nrsimhadeva, I offer my obeisances to You. I am your devotee. O Lord of Lords, I now express to You my heartfelt inquiry.”

[ Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Vilasa 14, Text 418 ]

namaste Bhagavan visno
nrsimha vapuse namah
tvadbhakto’ham suresaikam
tvam praprcchami tattvatah


My good friend, Mahasringa prabhu



My good friend, Mahasringa prabhu: I received news the other day that COVID-19 had taken you away too, as it has a number of my godrothers, godsisters, disciples and friends. I’m sorry it’s taken this long to say goodbye. But this time it was especially hard. We were friends; more so buddies. When we’d meet we’d always wrestle to see who was “the strongest”. Then we’d take prasadam together and talk about Srila Prabhupada, book distribution and preaching. I’ll miss those moments more than I can say. Genuine friendship is hard to find. Go well, my friend. I know we’ll meet again because our hearts are in the same place – service to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

With tears in my eyes ….
Indradyumna Swami




После встречи с учениками

Once Upon A Time / Вишвакарма возводит Вриндаван

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Dear devotees! This coming Tuesday’s lecture [ May 18, 2021 ] is entitled, “Once Upon A Time.” We’ll be discussing a very interesting and unique pastime – the creation of the original town of Vrindavan 5,000 years ago by the architect of the demigods, Visvakarama. Of course, everything in Vrindavan is eternal, but that includes ‘creation pastimes’! And wait until you hear what special reward Lord Krsna bestowed upon the devatas! 3:30 pm India time on my YouTube channel.


на русском   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q1vjJmdWQo

на английском   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T6hSfYKmuA






Про путешествия


«Путешествия лишают вас дара речи, но позже превращают в рассказчика».

[ Ибн Баттута, мусульманский марокканский ученый ( 1304-1368) ]

Мой дорогой Бада Харидас, мой попутчик! Как я скучаю по нашим проповедническим приключениям! Жду  не дождусь тех дней. Это мы близ Лехи, исторической столицы гималайского королевства Ладакх (Индия).


Возможно, это изображение (3 человека, в том числе Indradyumna Swami, люди стоят и на открытом воздухе)

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
[ Ibn Battuta, 1304-1368, Muslim Moroccan scholar ]
My dear Bada Haridas, my traveling companion! How I miss our preaching adventures! Waiting for those days again. Here we are outside of Leh, the historical capital of the Himalayan Kingdom of Ladakh, India.
